Practicing Inclusion in the Time of COVID
A brief guide for gatherings and call for disability solidarity, created in partnership with What Would an HIV Doula Do?
Practicing inclusion during COVID-19 means acknowledging the health and safety needs of all people, then taking steps to communicate and provide safe(r) and more accessible options for gathering. This includes not only working to understand the reasons spaces may be inaccessible to individuals with varying needs, but also committing to following community-centered practices to improve safety for all. Creating inclusive gatherings rooted in disability solidarity makes our movements and communities more powerful.
See the bottom of the page for links to social media posts featuring this guide, which you can repost or retweet!
Recommended resources which informed this guide:
Abled-Bodied Leftists Cannot Abandon Disabled Solidarity to “Move On” From COVID
Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-SamarasinhaSafer In-Person Gatherings Guide
People’s CDCAdvanced COVID FAQ
Jewish COVID Resilience NetworkPrinciples of Disability Justice
Sins InvalidPandemics are Chronic pledge - sign on today!
Long COVID Justice
ID: White and black text on black, yellow, and white backgrounds. Title says “Inclusive practices in the time of COVID: A brief guide for gatherings and call for disability solidarity.” Text below says “From Strategies for High Impact: (IG: @HighImpactStrategy & Twitter: @StratHighImpact) and What Would an HIV Doula Do (@wwhivdd)” “Resources at the end, and links in bio.”
ID: White and black text on black, red, and white backgrounds. The headline says “Inclusion in the time of COVID. Start by acknowledging who’s missing and why.” Text below says “People are immunocompromised. They have Long COVID or don't want to get it. They have chronic illnesses or disabilities. They're worried about a loved one getting COVID. They're grieving.” A speech bubble says “Sorry, I can’t come. I’m immunocompromised.” The reply says “Let’s talk about all the ways to improve covid safety.” Text at the bottom of the slide says “inclusion during COVID, like many pillars of our movements, is vital as well as challenging.”
Abled-Bodied Leftists Cannot Abandon Disabled Solidarity to “Move On” From COVID
Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, TRUTHOUT, October 1 2022
ID: White and black text on black, green, and white backgrounds. The headline says “Inclusion in the time of COVID. Inclusion during COVID means following community-centered scientific practices to work for greater safety for all. ” A bulleted list below says “At minimum, consider asking: Can we hold our gathering online? If not, how about providing, wearing, and requiring KN95 masks or N95 respirators? How about having a hybrid meeting option? And how about meeting outdoors or creating more airflow indoors?” A speech bubble says “I'll have to say no. I'm caring for my parent.” The reply says “Let's talk about how we can facilitate your participation.” Text at the bottom of the slide says “Inclusion during COVID is an ongoing process.”
Safer In-Person Gatherings Guide
People’s CDC, November 17 2022
ID: White and black text on black, orange, and white backgrounds. The headline says “Inclusion in the time of COVID. Inclusion during COVID means communicating in advance with attendees about the practices of any on-site gathering - and then truly following them.” A bulleted list below says “We can discuss and share...What are you willing to do as a group to protect people from COVID exposure? How can you ensure that agreed-upon practices will be followed?” “Honor the complexity of this time in the pandemic while developing an accountable, specific plan.” A speech bubble says “Count me out. My job doesn't pay for COVID sick leave.” The reply says “I'll ask to make the meeting virtual. ” Text at the bottom of the slide says “Practicing inclusion begins with intention and care.”
Advanced COVID FAQ
Jewish COVID Resilience Network
White text on black and dark red backgrounds. The headline says “Inclusion in the time of COVID. Inclusion during COVID means working toward a caring community that recognizes disability justice as fundamental to social justice. A bulleted list below says “What if we listen to, and not distance ourselves from, people who ask for more inclusive practices? What if we work together to demand public policies, funding, and resources to support ongoing, universal access and inclusion for everyone, including all disabled and chronically ill people?” A speech bubble says “Anyone can get Long COVID. To protect myself and others, I don't go to unmasked events.” The reply says “We'll have N95 masks and ensure people use them, and bring extra air filters.” Text at the bottom of the slide says “Together, we can demand resources and practices for disability justice and full inclusion.”
Principles of Disability Justice
Sins Invalid, September 17, 2015
White and black text on yellow and black backgrounds. Headline says “selected resources:” A bulleted list says “Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha: Abled-Bodied Leftists Cannot Abandon Disabled Solidarity to “Move On” From COVID, People's CDC: Safer In-Person Gatherings Guide, Jewish COVID Resilience Network: Advanced COVID FAQ, Sins Invalid: Principles of Disability Justice, Long COVID Justice: Pandemics are Chronic.
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Strategies for High Impact
• Instagram: Follow us at @HighImpactStrategy | Share this resource via our original post
• Twitter: Follow us at @StratHighImpact | Share this resource via our original thread
What Would an HIV Doula Do
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Coming soon: COVID Inclusion Toolkit with images and text for various platforms.
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