HIV Complexities Project

The HIV Complexities Project is led by and for people living with HIV (PLHIV) and complex chronic conditions. The project has a broad reach, and includes:

  • A monthly online support group for PLHIV with complex chronic conditions.

  • Resources in English and Spanish for PLHIV in our Long COVID Essentials suite of health education fact sheets.

  • Support for national networks of PLHIV, including the central U.S. Caucus of PLHIV, to strengthen their capacity to include disabling complex chronic conditions in their work.

  • Curricula for HIV peer navigators, community health workers, providers and advocates, developed in partnership with the Citizens’ Public Health Literacy (CIPHER) project at Columbia University.

  • Accessible public health education to provide timely, accurate and actionable information on HIV and complex chronic conditions.

More updates will be posted soon, or sign up for our Action Network to stay in the loop!

This project is possible thanks to the generous support of Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS and Viiv Healthcare.