Tell the CDC: New CDC COVID-19 isolation guidance weakens labor protections, discriminates against high-risk people, and does not match the science

Strategies for High Impact and our Long COVID Justice project have signed on to Pan End It’s new letter to CDC Director Mandy Cohen, which demands that the CDC take a strong stand for public health and resist political and corporate pressure to downplay the dangers of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

The CDC’s recently revised COVID isolation guidance weakens labor protections, discriminates against high-risk people, and does not match the science. In response, this letter calls for the CDC to make changes including revising their shortened COVID isolation guidelines, working with other agencies in support of universal paid sick leave, emphasizing masking and testing as core prevention strategies, and publishing more specific information on high-risk conditions.

Use this template to add your name and send your own personalized letter to the CDC.

It's time to restore and expand the #Test2Treat program

The U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH)’s #Test2Treat pilot program for COVlD and flu saves lives. Strategies for High Impact and Long COVID Justice are strong supporters of this pilot program - join us in advocating for #Test2Treat!
#Test2Treat was designed to reduce disparities for the most at-risk populations, by offering FREE at-home tests, telehealth and treatment for both COVlD and flu. This program was recently ended even though 100 million people are eligible. Tests and treatment help our communities manage current sickness while helping prevent against #LongCOVID and #LongFlu.
Join us to ask the White House and government officials to restore, expand and widely promote #Test2Treat as a critical layer of protection for ALL:
Send a letter today via MaskTogetherAmerica.

We can’t talk about Long COVID without talking about ME/CFS

We can’t talk about Long COVID without talking about ME/CFS.

ME/CFS is Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (misnamed as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) – and studies show it may affect 50% of people with Long COVID. For ME Awareness Month, we’ve been gathering resources on care strategies, treatment, and advocacy.

Many people with Long COVID and associated diseases like ME/CFS are newly disabled, while others have been living with disability or complex chronic illness for a long time. And as in all our movements, these struggles are connected. As we’re fighting for pandemic justice, care and safety, we are also fighting for disability justice, health equity, body autonomy, racial and gender justice, healthcare not warfare, an end to genocides, and so much more.

NEW! Check out our ME resource list on our new webpage:, or share our social post on Instagram or Facebook.

HIV Complexities Survey: Share Your Priorities for HIV Training & Advocacy

Strategies for High Impact is conducting a preliminary survey to collect community input for our HIV Complexities Project.

The HIV Complexities Project provides information, training, advocacy and analysis on crucial issues affecting people living with HIV and their communities in the United States. If you're living with HIV, engaging in HIV prevention, or working in HIV communities, let us know what programming most interests you.

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Long COVID advocates testify at first-ever Senate hearing

Strategies for High Impact (S4HI) and its Long COVID Justice project are joining with other advocates to tell Congress that it is beyond time to take action on Long COVID and associated diseases (LCAD).

Long COVID Justice started the new year by meeting with staff from the U.S. Senate HELP Committee as they prepared to host a hearing on Long COVID. At the January 19th hearing, patients, other experts, and a parent of a child with Long COVID shared their experiences and demands, including the need to recognize health disparities for BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities who face disproportionately high levels of LCAD. The hearing and overflow rooms were full of advocates – including Long COVID Justice co-founder Gabriel San Emeterio – all wearing K/N95 masks.

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New project launch: NYC Needs Assessment and Action Plan

The NYC Long COVID Needs Assessment and Action Plan (NAAP) is a major research and advocacy project designed in partnership with S4HI’s Long COVID Justice NYC chapter. The NAAP will focus on people with Long COVID from highly affected communities whose needs have largely been overlooked, including monolingual Spanish speakers, people living with HIV, trans and non-binary people, and children/youth.

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New project launch: Listening for the Long Haul

Listening for the Long Haul is an oral history project created by Strategies for High Impact in partnership with History Moves at University of Illinois-Chicago, which received a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Together, we are training and supporting COVID-19 longhaulers to interview and narrate their own experiences. We will then create digital humanities resources for distributing those stories and bringing about narrative change.

“Listening for the Long Haul is a truly collaborative project, in which chronically ill and disabled people work together to tell our stories, with full control over our narratives and how they’re presented. It’s in the truest spirit of disability justice: ‘Nothing about us without us!’ ”

— S4HI co-founder Gabriel San Emeterio

Public programming and a new website for the project will be launched in 2024.